
What is Pedorthics?

Pedorthics is the design, manufacture, modification and fit of shoes – and foot orthoses – to alleviate foot and ankle problems caused by trauma, overuse syndromes or disease. Pedorthics uses footwear, including foot orthoses to help ease foot problems.

a black lower extremity orthotic

Therapeutic Footwear

We provide premium, custom-made therapeutic footwear suitable to treat a number of pathologies, including diabetic footwear.

Shoe Modifications

We can modify existing footwear to customize it to your needs.

What is a Pedorthist?

  • A Certified Pedorthist (C.Ped.) works as part of the allied health team, dispensing footwear to keep people as mobile as possible. A Certified Pedorthist’s studies include shoe construction and modification, foot orthotics materials and fabrication, lower extremity anatomy, physiology  and biomechanics; they also learn to understand from the doctor’s diagnosis and prescription just what the patient needs in the way of footwear. An orthoses is a device that supports, aligns, prevents or corrects deformities, and increases function of the foot.

    What are indications for Pedorthic Services?

    • Orthotic products can be employed for a variety of conditions including: plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, arthritis, diabetes, and leg length discrepancies. Foot orthoses may be indicated in a variety of orthopedic injuries including: structural and positional imbalances of the foot, lack of shock absorption, pressure sensitive areas, shearing forces, and unique sports injuries.
      Resource O&P, we provide many types of orthoses including off-the-shelf, direct molding and custom to suit a variety of needs.